Sunday 22 May 2016


        It happened four years ago. That was my first day on senior high school. My friend and I were a new student on my class. Her name is Yuli. We come from Bataknese. Actually, I moved from Samosir Island and She moved from Jakarta. At that time, I did not know how to speak on Javanese language. Even, my Indonesian language is not as good as my friends because I usually speak on Bataknese. I was an unactive students at that time. I just like a stupid student. That's made me really hate that school because I did not have friend. My friend and I have the same experiences at the first day.

      My new friends always mocked and laugh at me when I tried to speak Javanese. But, I tried not to take it serious when they mocked me. I had a bad experiences on my first day on school. I thought that every students were very arrogant. Every day, I just spend my time with my friend Yuli. We tried to learn Javanese language. Finally, we could speak Javanese but our accent was fun. That made our classmates laugh louder. 

       Accidently, I thought that they become a little racist. At first, that made me angry. But, slowly I think that I have to learn more. Sometimes they called me without my name. But, they call me " Hey, Batak." I thought that they were so racist. On my first grade on my senior high school, I got a worse score because the lesson that we learned on Sumatra was different with the lesson in here.

       "do you want to go back to Sumatra?" asked my friend. Actually, I won't go back to Sumatra just because they laugh at me. I'll show them that I can do the best. So that, they won't laughed me again.

        " everything is good there?" asked my mom. 
        " yes mom, I got a lot of friend in here." I lied to my mom because I did not want to make her worried about me.

"kon wes mari ngerjakno tugas ta?"asked my friend, Michael.
"uwes kok. opoo emang e?" I answered him. 

Suddenly, all of the student laugh at me because my accent was fun. I wanted to cry and want to go back to my house.But I tried to be strong. 

At the second grade, I can show them that I am not a stupid student. I also can speak Javanese as good as my friends. I tried to study hard and as a result, I got the second grade of the best student on class. After that, I got a lot of friends. I also being one of the dancer on my school.

Since that day,  my friends never mocked me and never laugh at me. Be yourself is the key. Do not get down when every people mocked you. But, show them that you can do the best and you are better than them. 

Thank you.


Goodbye Writing I

Hello guys, I am going to tell you that this is my last writing class. Big thanks to Mr. Taloko and my writing classmates. But, I'm sorry to say for Mr. Taloko, because I always come late on his Writing class. I've got a lot of experiences and knowledge on my writing class. I learned about how to write Narrative text and also learned about how to make a postcard. I thought that the difficult one on this writing class is how to write a narrative text. Wrote a description about our fashion style was my favorite one. 

May,13-2016 was our last meeting on writing class. That was also our last day on second semester. Next Monday, I am going to face the final test on Writing 1. I hope that I can do my best. Because I did not get a good score on my midterm test. So, I'll try my best for this final test and I'll prepare myself more than before.

So, goodbye Writing 1 and welcome Writing 2. I'll miss all of my experiences on this semester and on this Writing class. Thanks Guys, don't forget to leave your comment.

Wednesday 11 May 2016


Dear Christine,

Hi Christine, how are you?. How about your holiday? I hope you can enjoy your holiday. 
By the way, I want to tell you about my vacation. Do you still remember Caroline?. 
She is our classmate in Elementary school. Caroline and I went to South California beach.
 Do you know about this beach?. It is one of the most famous beach in South California.
We went to drink coconut water and we sunbathing together. We spent our time sunbath in the beach. 
We also went shopping. We bought a lot of souvenirs. I bought a beautiful velvet trousers and a small blue bag. And then, Caroline bought baggy pants, necklace, and a pink skirt. But do not worry!
 I also bought you a black hat and orange shoes. This is very interesting and amazing vacation in my life.

your friend,

Hello guys, I want to tell you about my favorite outfit. I like to wear ripped blue jeans because that is very comfortable and cool. I also like to wear sneakers or boots because that is fashionable and also more comfortable.

 I can not stand wearing high heels. because I can not walk if I wear them.
  Long sleeves is very good but, it would be better if you compare that with black leather jacket because it will make you more cool.

Wearing hat is my favorite thing. Now days, every young people like to use hat, ripped jeans and sneakers. This style usually called SWAG. I also like to wear eyeglasses but I do not wear them oftenly.

Actually, I do not like to wear handbag. Because I think that it is uncomfortable. So, that is all about my favorite outfit. How about yours? Do you like to wear SWAG style also? Okay guys, do not forget to leave comment.

Sunday 20 March 2016

It's About Me

Halo...First of all I want to introduce myself. My full name is Yustina Septia Ningsih Siagian. My family and my friends usually call me Tina. I was born in Bengkulu, on September 6th, 1997. I am eighteen years-old and I am Indonesian. I do not have brother or sister. My mother is a house-wife and my father is a teacher. I live in Sidoarjo but I used to lived in Medan. My elementary and junior school was in Sumatra. My senior high school was in Sidoarjo. 

Now, I go to Widya Mandala University. I am studying English and I am in second semester. I have some close friend in this University. They are Pipit, Osa, Gaby, and Ammy. We were best friend since first semester. I also have a friend since I was Senior high school. Her name is Stefany. She is Chinese. Her favorite movie is Anime and she does not like swimming. She is fat but beautiful. She is very good in English and she is more smart than me.
This is me
Swimming is my hobby and dancing is my interest. I think swimming is a good sport. I used to joined in dancing organization. But now, my parents do not allowed me because I have to more focus to my study. I do not read novels or comics. I like magazine. I like to read about lifestyle in magazine. I can not stand watching horror or action movies. I enjoy watching Disney and cartoon such as Despicable me, Malificient, Chipmunks, etc. I also prefer watching comedy film. For my favorite subject, I like studying science and English. I hate studying History and Math. I think that History is difficult. 

My favorite foods are noodle, meatball, french fries, fried rice, petai etc. Even I also like making fried rice. I like cooking and cooking is my activity or my habit in every morning. My favorite drinks are avocado juice and mineral water. I can not eat spicy food because of maag.

I like listening to hip-hop and pop music, unlike my father and my mother. they enjoy listening Batak song. My favorite singer is Chris Brown. His voice is amazing. He also can dancing. I can not stand listening rock and jazz music. Listening music also my hobby. If I am not in a good mood I prefer listening music even if I am driving a motorcycle I am listening music.

That is all about me. Thank you for reading. do not forget to leave comment...

Journal Entry

Writing class is the one of my favorite lesson. March 11, 2016 was my last writing class before the midterm test. On the writing class we learnt about funny stories, hobbies, interests, etc. We also learnt about gerunds, spelling, how to use a and and. Our lecturer whose name Mr. Taloko also taught us about how to combining words with and and or.This is really useful for us because we can improve our writing skills.

My favorite unit is unit 5. Because in this unit we discussed about how to describe well. I really enjoyed this lesson. On this meeting, Mr. Taloko also asked us to described our friend who sit in front of us. That was really fun.

Another reason why I like this lesson because in this lesson we have to write our assigment in blog. This is my first time to write in blog. I do not have blog before even I do not know the function of blog. And then, I also like the lecturer because I think that he can teach us well. But sometimes I do not like with my classmates because they can not be quiet.

So, that is about my journal. I hope you can enjoy and do not forget to leave comment.

Thursday 10 March 2016

My Beloved Turtle..

Turtle is a very cute pet. Turtle is more cute than another animals. That is why I make turtle as my pet. I just have one turtles in my home.It is still 2 years old. My turtle is a female and I call her Splendid.
At first I do not want to maintain that turtle because I taught that it was more difficult to treat a turtle than another animals such as dog, birds, etc.

But I was wrong to said that because I really loved her. Even if I have some problems I  tell her.
Splendid is the first pet that I ever have. She has a small body and cute feet. She has a small tortoise shell and a short tail. She is also a shy pet because if you touch her head he will hide her head into her shell.

I do not want her to grow up early because it will be more cute if she still be a small turtle.
Okay guys...that is a little story about my pet. I hope you also like turtle.
Do not forget to comment guys.